Wow, what a week! The revival services were fantastic! Seeing God move in such a mighty way at Liberty was really refreshing and very much needed. One precious saint came up to me Friday night and said, “Pastor, I have to tell you, I have been in this church all my life and I have never and I mean never experienced anything so good here!” Another said; “I have never felt the spirit of God move in this church as much as I have this past week.”
Folks! That is what revival is all about, people experiencing God in a new and refreshing way. Lives being saved and changed and I thank Him for manifesting His presence every night and using the ministers like He did.
What happens now? We keep on bringing revival to the community and we ask God to keep on bringing revival to our lives. Pray and ask Him to move in every service just like He has this past week.
Revival will only stop if you want it to stop!
Come Sunday with an expectant heart and watch what He does.
9:00 AM Traditional or 11:00 AM Contemporary
Pastor Bob Wagner